Jorel's Brother (Portuguese: Irmão do Jorel) is a Brazilian animated television series created by Juliano Enrico and produced by Copa Studio for Cartoon Network Brazil since 2012. The series shows the daily life of an eccentric and extravagant family. Jorel is the middle child, with silky hair and a sweet and attractive way to win girls, which makes him the most popular guy in town. However, the show does not revolve around him, but around his younger brother, a shy and nameless boy just called "Jorel's Brother". Being overshadowed by the fame and popularity of his older brother, Jorel's Brother tries to gain his own identity and be someone important in the family. Each situation revolves around a typical confusion set in a Brazilian family atmosphere of late 80's, amid surreal and nonsense adventures, always from the perspective of Jorel's Brother.
Sorry, no info about the next episode of Irmão do Jorel is available yet.
The TV show is either in vacation or waiting to start their new season. When information about future episodes becomes available, it will be posted here.