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A supernatural crime procedural that centers on a med student-turned-zombie who takes a job in the coroner's office to gain access to the brains she must reluctantly eat to maintain her humanity. But with each brain she consumes, she inherits the corpse's memories, and with the help of her medical examiner boss and a police detective, she solves homicide cases in order to quiet the disturbing voices in her head.

Show Info

Aired on:
The CW, US
45 min.
4.26/5 (215 ratings)
More Info:
Forum | IMDb | TheTVDB
Subtitles, Mistakes


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Episodes Guide and Summaries

Key Features and Themes

supernaturalzombie outbreakmed studentcoroner's officesolving casesbrain consumptionmemory inheritancemedical examinerpolice detectivehumanity struggle


as Olivia "Liv" Moore
as Clive Babineaux
as Ravi Chakrabarti
as Major Lilywhite
as Blaine DeBeers
as Peyton Charles
as Angus McDonough
as Scott Everhart


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by posted
Katy said:
I watched the first episode not had chance to watch this weeks yet.
I thought it was ok and having read the comics there wasn't much they changed for me

oh, no, the were-terrier is sorely missed...

i had a bit of a hard time with the show at first, but it quickly sucked me in, they've done a great job of expanding on the comic, yeah some things are glaringly absent, but it's good fun.

haven't hit season two yet, but that's a time, not a want issue...

but, everybody, read the comic... Allred is a clearly not of this earth, the man can do no wrong...
by posted
Haha "We used to be friends, a long time ago!"
Oh, Rob Thomas :D
by posted
Yeah I'm still watching really like this show
by posted
Ok this is really awesome, has that Veronica Mars vibe and everything. And the guest stars aren't missing also.
I couldn't stop watching, so I'm recommending you guys and gals give it another shot.
This one's a keeper.
by posted
This gets better after the first few episodes. And it's Rob Thomas.
Almost caught up with the first season and will continue watching for sure.
by posted
Watched 2 eps and while i dident hate it, i dident like it either. Probably gonna skip it.
by posted
There is actually 3 eps. out it's not a dark show as you'd expect from a zombie movie neither is a teen melodrama as you'd expect from CW. If you don't take it too seriously it's a decent watch , especially since I'm low on shows lately.
by posted
Ah, I was wondering if it was anything like Veronica Mars, with Rob Thomas involved. I've still not seen it yet, will try to soon as I've dl'ed the first 2 eps.
by posted
Couldn't get past the pilot (the only reason why I even bothered to watch it was the Veronica Mars vibe)
by posted
worth a watch?