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Jem and The Holograms Season 2 Episodes Guide and Summaries

EpisodeEpisode NameAir Date
1Starbright (1): Falling Star
2Starbright (2): Colliding Stars
3Starbright (3): Rising Star
4The World Hunger Shindig
5Adventure in China
6Last Resorts
7In Stitches
8The Music Awards (1)
9The Music Awards (2)
10The Rock Fashion Book
11Broadway Magic
12In Search of the Stolen Album
13Hot Time in Hawaii
14The Princess and the Singer
15Island of Deception
16Old Meets New
17Intrigue at the Indy 500
18The Jem Jam (1)
19The Jem Jam (2)
20Culture Clash
21Glitter and Gold