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Kevin McKidd (Rome) stars as Dan Vassar in this series from NBC. Dan is happily married with a son. It seems like he has everything going for him. Dan ends up traveling into the past. He changes people's lives, sometimes for the better, but sometimes not.

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Aired on:
60 min.
Created by:
4/5 (20 ratings)
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Subtitles, Mistakes


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as Dan Vasser
as Katie Vasser
as Livia Beale
as Jack Vasser
as Hugh Skillen
as Zack Vasser


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by posted
nightcrow said:
I know i'm very late...but I just finished watching all 13 eps of Journeyman. I actually really liked it. It finally started getting really good and then they go and cancel it! :(

No more Journeyman...EVER! :(
by posted
Halo2 said:
An article about the creator (Kevin Falls) admitting it maybe cancelled.

It's a shame, and it just started getting good as well :(
by posted
This show is certainly on my list to rewatch if the internet breaks sometime :D
by posted
what an old post to drag up! I agree, it was a good show, but that's what happens time and time again.

Dems the brakes.
by posted
I've just started watching Journeyman and i gotta say . This show was awesome , i've saw 10 episodes today with only 3 left to watch . Why do US network hate good stuff ?
by posted
Mxyzptlk said:
Haven't seen the nine.. is that good?


well to me it was a good show , there was slow moments in the show , but was worth watching, then again evryones got differant taste.
by posted
Thierry said:
Indeed a shame Journeyman, Moonlight and Traveler got cancelled. And that goes double for Firefly! Couldn't care less about The Nine, though. Never liked that show.

Nah, I never really connected with The Nine either - but Traveler and Journeyman....AWSOME! what ashame!
by posted
Haven't seen the nine.. is that good?

by posted
damm wankers , good shows like Journeyman how could you axe it and other shows like moonlight , Traveler , The nine , and its amazeing some of the not so good shows keeps going on for years , cant find any explenation , yeah most of yous are doing to say rateings , well F*** the rateings and keep the good shows rolling.
by posted
maccool111 said:
Mmmmm Moon Bloodgood ..... indeed

Oh My! yes indeed.

But I wouldn't turn my nose up at Gretchen Egolf.
Nor would I, but she's still not in the same league... I'm just easy :P