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Kamen Rider Season 4 Episodes Guide and Summaries

EpisodeEpisode NameAir Date
1Man or Beast? The Cool Guy Who Came From the Jungle!
2Ten-Faced Demon! God or Devil?
3The Strong, Naked, Fast Guy!
4Run! The Raging Jungler
5The Weirdo Who Came From Underground!!
6The Inca Rope-Pattern Writing Mystery!!
7Melt! Melt! The Terrifying Snake Beastman
8The Crocodile Beastman Who Attacked the School
9Go, Amazon! The Crab Beastman's Island!
10Black Cat Beastman Aiming at the Nursery School!
11The Golden Snail's the Reaper's Envoy!?
12Seen! Geddon's Beastman Modification Room
13Approaching! Ten-Faced Demon! Danger, Amazon!!
14The Ten-Faced Demon Dies! And a New Enemy?
15He Came Forth! The Terrible Great Emperor Zero
16Garander's Tokyo Sea of Flames Operation!!
17Mt. Fuji Big Explosion? The Tokyo Fry Pan Operation
18Zero's Terror! The Massive Earthquake Operation!!
19Going into Action, The Garander Youth Squad
20Mole Beastman's Last Activity!!
21Cannibal Beastman to Eat the Frozen Rider
22Inca Doll's Day to Annihilate Greater Tokyo
23Imitation Riders vs. Amazon Rider!
24You Did It, Amazon!! The End of Great Emperor Zero!!
SpecialKamen Rider Amazon