The show follows Sean King and Michelle Maxwell, who aren't the typical pair of private investigators. Both are former secret service agents, and their unique skill set (not to mention their razor-sharp chemistry) often gives them a leg up on suspects and conventional law enforcement.
Word came down from the TNT brass today that there will be no second season for the under-performing action-procedural. The series opened with 3.5 million viewers and held on to most of them throughout a ten-episode premier season, however those numbers were not enough to entice TNT into another helping.
Starring Jon Tenny ('Major Crimes,' 'The Closer') as Sean King and Rebecca Romijn ('NTSF:SD:SUV,' 'Eastwick,' 'Ugly Betty') as Michelle Maxwell, the series was based on popular novel characters by writer David Baldacci. The TNT description reads: "Sean King and Michelle Maxwell aren't your typical pair of private investigators. Both are former Secret Service agents, and their unique skill set (not to mention their razor-sharpchemistry) often gives them a leg up on both suspects and conventional law enforcement."
'King & Maxwell's timeslot directly followed Tenny's other series, 'Major Crimes.' 'Crimes' consistently brought in over 5 million viewers, so the fact that millions of viewers were lost once 'King & Maxwell' began likely had a lot to do with TNT's lack of confidence in the series.
Now that the axe has fallen on 'King & Maxell,' the only TNT series remaining in limbo is 'Franklin & Bash.' 'Bash' recently concluded their third season and has far more of a built-in fanbase than 'King & Maxwell,' however three seasons could very well be as much life as legal dramedy has in it.
Earlier this year TNT renewed 'Rizzoli & Isles,' 'Major Crimes,' 'Perception' and 'Falling Skies,' although there will be a change of showrunner on 'Rizzoli & Isles' during the off-season.
by Orlando posted 10 years ago
A publisher can easily not order a second novel in a trilogy, so yeah, books can get cancelled. :P
by fairchild posted 10 years ago
Oh, come on!
It might be time to go back to books. They don't cancel books.
by xrnzaaas posted 10 years ago
TNT sure likes to cancel their shows... they're not even waiting for the show to start getting really bad ratings.
The show follows Sean King and Michelle Maxwell, who aren't the typical pair of private investigators. Both are former secret service agents, and their unique skill set (not to mention their razor-sharp chemistry) often gives them a leg up on suspects and conventional law enforcement.
Starring Jon Tenny ('Major Crimes,' 'The Closer') as Sean King and Rebecca Romijn ('NTSF:SD:SUV,' 'Eastwick,' 'Ugly Betty') as Michelle Maxwell, the series was based on popular novel characters by writer David Baldacci. The TNT description reads: "Sean King and Michelle Maxwell aren't your typical pair of private investigators. Both are former Secret Service agents, and their unique skill set (not to mention their razor-sharpchemistry) often gives them a leg up on both suspects and conventional law enforcement."
'King & Maxwell's timeslot directly followed Tenny's other series, 'Major Crimes.' 'Crimes' consistently brought in over 5 million viewers, so the fact that millions of viewers were lost once 'King & Maxwell' began likely had a lot to do with TNT's lack of confidence in the series.
Now that the axe has fallen on 'King & Maxell,' the only TNT series remaining in limbo is 'Franklin & Bash.' 'Bash' recently concluded their third season and has far more of a built-in fanbase than 'King & Maxwell,' however three seasons could very well be as much life as legal dramedy has in it.
Earlier this year TNT renewed 'Rizzoli & Isles,' 'Major Crimes,' 'Perception' and 'Falling Skies,' although there will be a change of showrunner on 'Rizzoli & Isles' during the off-season.
It might be time to go back to books. They don't cancel books.
I agree they seem to work well together. It's weird to see Opie from Sons in this.
The show follows Sean King and Michelle Maxwell, who aren't the typical pair of private investigators. Both are former secret service agents, and their unique skill set (not to mention their razor-sharp chemistry) often gives them a leg up on suspects and conventional law enforcement.