Satirical news show hosted by Nish Kumar returns to TV. Late Night Mash is a continuation of the successful show The Mash Report, which aired on BBC Two for four series. Nish Kumar is joined by Rachel Parris and Ellie Taylor as they deliver topical insights and fake news reports from the dystopian parallel universe we affectionately call "modern Britain". News correspondents, including Geoff Norcott, Catherine Bohart, Fin Taylor, Michael Spicer, Steve N Allen and Ahir Shah, will front acerbic sketches and reports about all the things happening in the world that probably shouldn't, as well as all the things that aren't happening that probably should.
Sorry, no info about the next episode of Late Night Mash is available yet.
The TV show is either in vacation or waiting to start their new season. When information about future episodes becomes available, it will be posted here.