In the City of Angels the completely unscrupulous live among the rich and famous celebrities. It has been said that in Los Angeles, you can get away with murder if you have enough money and the right legal team.
Only a 1.9 rating and little over 7 million viewers this week. I think it's official - all new NBC shows have tanked.
by fuffenz posted 13 years ago
Not worth the time to watch or space to store.
If you want to try L&O, go for Criminal Intent, older seasons with Vincent D'onofrio. Some of them are pretty good if you like detective stories and some good characters. Quite different from the original series though, while L&O may somewhat reflect real police work, :CI is much more fictional with a hint of inspiration from Sherlock Holmes. There is even an recurring arch-villain. :)
by xrnzaaas posted 13 years ago
I'm guessing that a lot of female viewers should tune in because of Skeet Ulrich. I myself have never seen a full L&A episode. Tried once with the recently cancelled series and stopped watching after about 15 minutes. ;)
and here (original source):
If you want to try L&O, go for Criminal Intent, older seasons with Vincent D'onofrio. Some of them are pretty good if you like detective stories and some good characters. Quite different from the original series though, while L&O may somewhat reflect real police work, :CI is much more fictional with a hint of inspiration from Sherlock Holmes. There is even an recurring arch-villain. :)
I never watched anything from the Law & Order franchise. Should I watch this one?