Inspired by the best-selling 2004 novel by John Ajvide Lindqvist and its 2008 Swedish film adaptation, the series revolves around Mark (Bichir) and his 12-year-old daughter, whose lives were changed forever 10 years earlier when she was turned into a vampire. Locked in at age 12, perhaps forever, Eleanor lives a closed-in life, able to go out only at night, while her father does his best to provide her with the minimal amount of human blood she needs to stay alive.
Yeah, most definitely, and that twist at the end would make anything short of a renewal homicidal. :D
by g371 posted 1 year ago
A solid season, looking forward to S02
by Moze posted 2 years ago
g371 said:
They could simply open a mobile blood bank business, especially in US where the health industry is privately owned. Would not have to try hard, a considerable part of donated blood is discarded anyway. Could even make a nice money on other vampires, do a night home deliveries, so many possibilities :D
Or even in that restaurant do a promotion - donate blood for x cause and get a free meal :)
Yeah, it seems they could do alot of things beside killing people to get fresh blood. But then the series would be pretty boring and lose all meaning.
by g371 posted 2 years ago
They could simply open a mobile blood bank business, especially in US where the health industry is privately owned. Would not have to try hard, a considerable part of donated blood is discarded anyway. Could even make a nice money on other vampires, do a night home deliveries, so many possibilities :D
Or even in that restaurant do a promotion - donate blood for x cause and get a free meal :)
by HomerS posted 2 years ago
Not the fastest show out there but i still really like it.
by Tasviewer posted 2 years ago
Definitely an interesting take on the genre, it's a little slow but I like it so far.
by g371 posted 2 years ago
If she needs to feed approx. once per week and by now she is 22, it means they have killed +/- 500 people to get blood, what would make the father nr. 1 serial killer in US :D
by JediTmak posted 2 years ago
Loved the movies, watched "30 days of night" series and LTROI together and it was an awesome combo. From what you are saying I can't wait to see the series, sounds good ;)
by Moze posted 2 years ago
Great find!
by fassy posted 2 years ago
Actually, I'm positively surprised.... couldn't really imagine I would like this show but it is quite good. And yeah, even the kids are not terrible.
Yeah, most definitely, and that twist at the end would make anything short of a renewal homicidal. :D
Or even in that restaurant do a promotion - donate blood for x cause and get a free meal :)
Yeah, it seems they could do alot of things beside killing people to get fresh blood. But then the series would be pretty boring and lose all meaning.
Or even in that restaurant do a promotion - donate blood for x cause and get a free meal :)