The eight-episode series follows six young aspiring models and their mothers as they travel to New York City, shack up under one roof and pursue their dreams of becoming a supermodel. Each week, Yolanda puts the girls and their moms through a series of lessons and assignments designed to not only test their modeling agility, but also the strength of their mother-daughter relationship. With a $5,000 weekly prize on the line to put towards their future careers, only one girl will be left standing to win a management contract with Yolanda's company and the potential opportunity to be represented by IMG Models in New York. Yolanda's daughters Gigi and Bella Hadid, designers Tommy Hilfiger and Nicole Miller and supermodels Devon Windsor and Alek Wek make special appearances through the season. "Making a Model with Yolanda Hadid" is produced by Hudsun Media for Lifetime. Michael Rourke, Christopher Spry, Sean Rankine and Yolanda Hadid executive produce. Mary Donahue and Mioshi Hill executive produce for Lifetime.