This series focuses on the development by two men, two agents, of a new criminal field and does so through story lines of visiting the sociopathic mind. Mindhunter is based on the 1996 book Mind Hunter: Inside the FBI's Elite Serial Crime Unit, by former special agent John Douglas and Mark Olshaker.
Just started the second season and I'm so happy to see Olivia teamed up with September once again. :)
by Suasor posted 5 years ago
This show does make very good use of pop music. Kudos to the music supervisor.
by HomerS posted 5 years ago
Hadn't watched Mindhunter before and checked out the first ep of season 2 just in case i like it and already after the opening scene, i went right back to watch the entire season 1 and can now continue watching season 2, i like it.
Something is wrong with forum indexing, that topic did not show up in the search, I checked before making a new topic
Edit: Nah, it's just a bug in the search. If you search by "mind" in Advanced search and choose to search in topic subject only, it shows no results. So probably it does search just in some word index table, because "mindhunter" works. Easy hackable issue tho.
Edit 2: Not even a bug, "Use the wildcard character * for partial keyword or username matches." :D
Pleasantly surprised by this. Of course, having David Fincher's name attached generally ensure a certain level of quality, but I went into this expecting a traditional dark story about stopping a serial killer along the lines of Se7en or Zodiac. I'm delighted to find that it's something quite different, with a strong focus on the educational side of criminal psychology.
Television is getting closer and closer to film quality in terms of visuals, and this is joining the ranks of Stranger Things and Star Trek: Discovery in terms of cinematography.
Holden is an interesting and appealing character immediately. He's such an outsider, almost oblivious to how out-of-place he is. He also seems somewhat fearless and more than slightly obsessive about his work, so right now it's hard to figure him out. I just know that I like him.
I'm also sensing a potential for some humourous moments with the pairing up of Ford and Tench, who obviously have very different perspectives on what they're doing. This could almost be compared to a modern retelling of The X-Files, just with horrific murders in place of supernatural events.
I have to say I too was pleasantly surprised by this series' opening season. I watched the first episode with a few mates of mines awhile back and broke out shortly after. I had doubts I was going to continue with it but my curiosity got the better of me, and boy did it pay off. The series really started to gel and formulate from the second episode onward and vastly improved throughout. If you haven't picked up on this yet I suggest you give it a spin. :)
Your post was so good that I just had to quote most of it here. :)
Trailer/teaser looks quite good, if I currently had less shows on my plate I would check it out. Maybe later!
by scorpius074 posted 5 years ago
I liked it and plan on starting season two over the weekend, or next week. I might even rewatch the first season in the process. I tried to tell people about this series a couple years ago but no one responded, even though it's on 15,397 watchlists with a 4.48/5 rating. :D
by g371 posted 5 years ago
This series focuses on the development by two men, two agents, of a new criminal field and does so through story lines of visiting the sociopathic mind. Mindhunter is based on the 1996 book Mind Hunter: Inside the FBI's Elite Serial Crime Unit, by former special agent John Douglas and Mark Olshaker.
Now that is what i call a gripping opening scene:
Roxy Music - In Every Dream Home A Heartache
Ha, yeah I forgot to share the source when I posted that a while back, and now I don't even remember where it came from. :lol:
n-e forums (via Google)
And it finds the old Mindhunter thread. :)
Something is wrong with forum indexing, that topic did not show up in the search, I checked before making a new topic
Edit: Nah, it's just a bug in the search. If you search by "mind" in Advanced search and choose to search in topic subject only, it shows no results. So probably it does search just in some word index table, because "mindhunter" works. Easy hackable issue tho.
Edit 2: Not even a bug, "Use the wildcard character * for partial keyword or username matches." :D
Television is getting closer and closer to film quality in terms of visuals, and this is joining the ranks of Stranger Things and Star Trek: Discovery in terms of cinematography.
Holden is an interesting and appealing character immediately. He's such an outsider, almost oblivious to how out-of-place he is. He also seems somewhat fearless and more than slightly obsessive about his work, so right now it's hard to figure him out. I just know that I like him.
I'm also sensing a potential for some humourous moments with the pairing up of Ford and Tench, who obviously have very different perspectives on what they're doing. This could almost be compared to a modern retelling of The X-Files, just with horrific murders in place of supernatural events.
I have to say I too was pleasantly surprised by this series' opening season. I watched the first episode with a few mates of mines awhile back and broke out shortly after. I had doubts I was going to continue with it but my curiosity got the better of me, and boy did it pay off. The series really started to gel and formulate from the second episode onward and vastly improved throughout. If you haven't picked up on this yet I suggest you give it a spin. :)
Your post was so good that I just had to quote most of it here. :)
Trailer/teaser looks quite good, if I currently had less shows on my plate I would check it out. Maybe later!
Serial killers profiling stuff, S01 was interesting, S02 just released. IMDB 8.5:
Mod edit: added summary