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Murphy Brown Season 2 Episodes Guide and Summaries

EpisodeEpisode NameAir Date
1The Brothers Silverberg
2Anchors Away
3The Memo that Got Away
4TV or Not TV
5Miles' Big Adventure
6Buddies Schmuddies
7Whose Garbage is it Anyway?
8And the Whiner Is...
10Brown Like Me (1)
11Brown Like Me (2)
12The Strike
13Here's to You Mrs. Kinsella
14What Are You Doing New Year's Eve?
15Subpoena Envy
16I Want My FYI
17Frankly Speaking
18The Murphy Brown School of Broadcasting
19Bad Girls
20Heart of Gold
21On the Road Again
22But First a Word From Our Sponsor
23Frank's Appendectomy
24Fax or Fiction
25The Bitch's Back
26Going to the Chapel (1)
27Going to the Chapel (2)