The show follows the couple inside and outside of the home, as they juggle married life and raising their baby daughter, Poppy, while helping distressed homeowners turn a disaster into a dream home. In each one-hour episode, Nate and Jeremiah use their talent and irresistible charm to transform lives through design, rescuing homeowners who have gone over budget and over schedule on renovation projects and cannot see an end in sight. With budget at the forefront and the couple's lifestyle in mind, Nate and Jeremiah boldly revisit the home's layout to build a practical-yet-stylish space. They then search high and low for unique design pieces to bring character and a personal touch into these refreshed dwellings. But the joys and challenges that Nate and Jeremiah encounter professionally are nothing in comparison to those faced in their most important job, as fathers to baby Poppy. The proud parents bring the audience inside their private life to see firsthand how they balance demanding careers and spending time with "the girl that changed everything."
Sorry, no info about the next episode of Nate and Jeremiah by Design is available yet.
The TV show is either in vacation or waiting to start their new season. When information about future episodes becomes available, it will be posted here.