Jane Tennant, the first female Special Agent in Charge of NCIS Pearl Harbor, and her unwavering team of specialists balance duty to family and country while investigating high-stakes crimes involving military personnel, national security and the mysteries of the sun-drenched island paradise itself.
Sorry to see this show come to an end. I enjoyed it and as much as I like NCIS Sydney at the rate they are cancelling shows I wonder if we will see a full season 2
by dymensional posted 3 months ago
Omg one of the few watchable shows on television
by dob270471 posted 4 months ago
I wouldn't be surprised if they resolved it somehow in a crossover early next season with the main show and/or Sydney.
by lighton posted 4 months ago
inkblot said:
But they left it on a cliffhanger. They could have cut that out.
Wow, that's nasty in this combination. Almost as bad as pushing blind people to the side when shopping.
by inkblot posted 4 months ago
But they left it on a cliffhanger. They could have cut that out. They knew ahead of time they were done.Thats what pisses me off the most.
by lighton posted 4 months ago
Well, costs for cast etc. go up while viewership typically declines, so it must happen sooner or later. Maybe you can appreciate that you got more than one season. :)
by Littlejonah posted 4 months ago
They have now cancelled/ended this series, it is a great shame. Why do this to shows that are not only popular in the USA but also Worldwide. Why not choose from a huge list of mindless and really pointless pathetic shows, that play to those who have got nothing better to do with their lives but to wallow in utter rubbish.
So please keep this great show still enjoyed by many.
Wow, that's nasty in this combination. Almost as bad as pushing blind people to the side when shopping.
So please keep this great show still enjoyed by many.