Guess what - it's our birthday! Next episode turns 3 today and thanks to Karen - I didn't <a target="_blank" href="">miss it</a> this time !<br> <br>Let me see what's on the agenda for today's post - birthday presents - yeah, we gladly accept those. There's a new birthday present/donation minimum tho, you can thank the guy that donated the record breaking 100 dollars a couple of days ago. And since I'm sure he didn't do it for the fame, I won't mention his name (if you want to know his name badly, you can get it for a small donation of just 19,99 and if you <a target="_blank" href="">donate right now</a> you'll get the name of the second Kennedy shooter FOR FREE). <br> <br>Seriously - we want to express our gratitude to him and everyone else who donated over the past 3 years, no matter what amount - Thank you and be assured that 100 percent of the money donated has been invested and <a target="_blank" href="">will be invested</a> in making the site better (although the initial plan was to invest it in Playstation 4).<br> <br>Enough with the money talk - I think we did well in the past year - The site grew a lot (feature and user wise), and each day I'm seeing more and more users posting comments or in the forums. I'd even go as far as to say we're the best and biggest damn site on the internets! An untrue stretch you say? Well let me paraphrase Stephen Colbert here "You looked it up and we're not the best and biggest site out there? That's cause you looked it up in a book. Next time, look it up in your gut. And my gut tells me, we're number one".<br><br>And to be serious again - What's ahead for the site? World domination? Yes.