<a href="https://next-episode.net/santimental/genialna_ideq.gif" target="_blank">Born</a> (an ugly duck) almost a decade ago, the site keeps getting better and ever closer to <a href="https://next-episode.net/news-permalink-503.html" target="_blank">world domination</a>. <br><br> Mandatory thanks to <b>Karenbear</b>, who selflessly and regularly updates the BotD section, <b>the moderators</b> in the forums - who keep it nice and orderly and of course - each and every member (especially the <b>Premium</b> ones)! <br><br> This past year was good for Next Episode (see a <a href="javascript:void()" onclick="toggleLayer('quick_report')">quick rundown</a> of what was done) - The introduction of the <a href="/premium" target="_blank" style="color:#FF8335">Premium Membership</a> helped me a lot with covering costs and justifying the countless hours I spend maintaining and developing the site and the apps (and with 2 small kids - having time for your passion is extremely ... tricky). <div id="quick_report" style="display:none;margin-top:20px;padding:20px;background-color:#efefef"> <div style="float:right;margin-top:-15px;margin-right:-15px;"><a href="javascript:void()" onclick="toggleLayer('quick_report')">close</a></div> <b>Trailers</b> <br> Manually added YouTube trailers to (so far 1500) shows on Next Episode. I keep adding trailers every day. Additionally, existing trailers are checked (on a daily basis) for being broken or country restricted - and replaced with new ones. <br><br> <b>Creators</b> <br> Manually added info about show creators to about 2500 shows (so far), and more are being added daily as well. I get creators info by cross referencing data from Wikipedia, IMDb, TVRage and Google. <br><br> <b>Search, Specials</b> <br> The search has been improved to be more intuitive, "Special" episodes are now listed on the site. <br><br> <b>Show page overhaul</b> <br> The specific show pages have a completely new look and show more data (like Trailer, Creator, Status) and even more for Premium Members. <br><br> <b>Mobile Apps</b> <br> Both mobile apps, for <a href="https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=net.nextepisode.android" target="_blank">Android</a> and <a href="https://itunes.apple.com/app/next-episode/id347009526?mt=8" target="_blank">iPhone</a>, were updated to 2.0 versions - with sleek new look & feel and a ton more features. <br><br> <b>Top Charts</b> <br> Mostly for our Premium Members for now, the Top Charts was expanded from what was simply "Hot Shows" to a sophisticated discovery tool with many ways to find new and cool shows you'll like. <br><br> <b>Notifications</b> <br> The latest of the site updates (the addition of notifications) is also mostly for our Premium Members but it will come in handy moving forward, and I'm sure every user will benefit from it as well. <br><br> Those are the main bullet points, with many other minor tweaks and updates. <br><br> Hopefully, next year we'll have a similar list of new stuff and improvements to brag about! </div> <br><br> Within that period, the site grew user, design and feature wise, while keeping (I hope) it's initial goal of simplicity and functionality. Users seem to be happy - I'm happy. Shockingly - wife's (still) happy :D <br><br> As a treat for our birthday - everyone can now try the Premium Membership features with 2 weeks free trial (that you can cancel at any time, but hopefully will not). Show us some love - <a href="/premium" target="_blank" style="color:#FF8335">try premium</a>!