Ok, the controversial settings are now free for everyone. If you don't know what this is - check out <a href="https://next-episode.net/news-permalink-782.html" target="_blank">Part 1</a>, <a href="https://next-episode.net/news-permalink-783.html" target="_blank">2</a>, <a href="https://next-episode.net/news-permalink-784.html" target="_blank">3</a>. <br><br> You can now turn on the 1 day offset and turn off the channel timezone correction in <a href="https://next-episode.net/settings?action=airdates">settings/air dates</a>. <br><br> It's not that the handful of adblocking complainers convinced me to make it available for everyone - I created the issue in the first place (by letting users get used to what was effectively a faulty system - and then taking it away from them). The poll result showed me clearly that there are many users displeased with the change and I'm definitely not ok with that and all the controversy and negativity this sparked. <br><br> Ok, if you had issues before - check it out, let me know if everything is good now or describe your problem if not.