There may be no real snow (at least around me) - but here, on <span style="color:#ff8335;font-weight:bold">Next Episode</span> - it's always snowy this time of the year! <br><br> Reflecting a little on the year that has gone by, here is a list of the <a href="" target="_blank">10 shows I watched and enjoyed the most this year</a>. <br><br> <strong>What are yours?</strong> <br><br> To compile the list, I wrote <a href="" target="_blank">this little tool</a> that told me what I've marked watched in 2023 and made it into a list <a href="">here</a>. <br><br> If you enjoy Next Episode - <strong>please consider</strong> writing about it and linking to it on blogs, forums, reddit and your social media. Your help in spreading the word is greatly appreciated and crucial for our growth. <br><br> Wishing everyone joy and health this holiday season! If you're not a fan of our virtual snow, just <a href="">click here</a> to turn it off.