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North and South Cast

as Orry Main
as Jefferson Davis
as Madam Conti
as John Brown
as George Hazard
as Madeline Fabray
as Constance Flynn Hazard
as Charles Main
as Charles Main
as Brett Main Hazard
as Ashton Main
as Stanley Hazard
as Beaufort
as Jupiter Smith
as Gus Main
as Judith Main
as Gettys
as Lt. Pickles
as Prairie Farm Wife
as Septimus Glyn
as Prudence
as Sam Trump
as Elkanah Bent
as Adolphus
as Cooper Main
as Maj. Shagrue
as Magic Magee
as Ned Fisk
as Ulysses S. Grant
as Gen. William Tecumseh Sherman
as Col. Austin
as Michael
as Gen. Philip Henry Sheridan
as Justin LaMotte
as Lt. James Powell
as Congressman Sam Greene
as Semiramis
as Abraham Lincoln
as Maude Hazard
as Lt. Ambrose Pell
as Clarissa Main
as James Huntoon
as Augusta Barclay
as Virgilia Hazard
as Col. Hram Berdan
as Rafe Beaudeen
as Sanders
as Rose Sinclair
as Detective Haller
as Lt. Rudy Bodford
as Burdetta Halloran
as Dorothea Dix
as Billy Hazard
as Col. Wade Hampton
as Deserter
as Tom the Drummer Boy
as Ulysses S. Grant
as Salem Jones
as Capt. Thomas Turner
as Lt. Stephen Kent
as Gen. Robert E. Lee
as Nathaniel
as Young Billy Hazard
as McClellan
as George Pickett
as Priam
as Sen. Charles Edwards
as William Hazard
as Billy Hazard
as Nicholas Fabray
as Ulysses S. Grant
as Brett Main as a Youth
as Tillet Main
as Maum Sally
as Frederick Douglass
as Whitney Smith's Brother
as Patrick Flynn
as Ashton Main as a Youth
as Lt. Pearson
as Young Ashton Main
as Alice Peet
as Smith Dawkins
as Isabel Truscott Hazard
as Isabel Truscott Hazard
as Isabel Truscott Hazard
as Whitney Smith
as Forbes LaMotte
as Tom Jackson
as Green Grass Woman
as Hope Hazard
as Hope Hazard
as Young Brett Main
as Benny Haven
as Washington
as Miles Colbert