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Nurse Jackie
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Nurse Jackie

Comedy meets drama in this quirky Showtime offering. Set in a New York City hospital, this half-hour single camera comedy is about a strong-willed woman balancing a hectic work life with a complex personal life, all the while fighting the healthcare system along the way.

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Aired on:
30 min.
4.13/5 (15 ratings)
More Info:
Forum | IMDb | TheTVDB
Subtitles, Mistakes


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as Jackie Peyton
as Zoey Barkow
as Eddie Walzer
as Dr. Fitch Cooper
as Dr. Eleanor O'Hara
as Grace Peyton
as Kevin Peyton
as Gloria Akalitus
as Dr. Carrie Roman


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by posted
oh thats bad news, I like cooper
by posted
But the renewal comes with an injection of bad news: Series regular Peter Facinelli, who plays Dr. Fitch Cooper, won't be back for Season 7, as he's leaving the show at his own request.

by posted
Great news, really like this summer show :)
by posted
Orlando said:

wwooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D
by posted
by posted
You need to lurk moar :)

NZBindex is your friend, and so is tehPARADOX :cool:
by posted
jasdjensen said:
Blame Canada?

Seriously. I haven't found this show online much either. I see there should be 5 episodes or so by now, and haven't found a good source on usenet. Anyone have ideas?

Usually, I don't have any problems finding NJ on usenet. Have you looked at alt.binaries.etc?
by posted
Blame Canada?

Seriously. I haven't found this show online much either. I see there should be 5 episodes or so by now, and haven't found a good source on usenet. Anyone have ideas?
by posted
Orlando said:

Every week I'm ahead one week I'm liking this :D

Love this show