The lives of three British soldiers spiral out of control after they go on mission to Basra, southern Iraq. United and yet torn apart by war the men struggle to overcome the perils they've seen.
Well the second and the third episodes were also great (ending of the second - superb).
It just shows how much can people close to each other fuck up their lives, in pursuit of diffrent goals.
Not a war drama like BoB or Generation Kill, more like the lifes of the soldiers after the war.
Never seen a war show from this perspective, so I enjoyed it.
It just shows how much can people close to each other fuck up their lives, in pursuit of diffrent goals.
Not a war drama like BoB or Generation Kill, more like the lifes of the soldiers after the war.
Never seen a war show from this perspective, so I enjoyed it.
But the first minutes are really great, intense.
I'm English! I'm fockin' English!