Set in the near future, Echoes takes a deep dive into the exploration of the scientific manipulation of human existence. It follows a group of women as they weave their way into each other's lives and embark on a thrilling journey, unravelling the mystery of their identity and uncovering a wrenching story of love and betrayal. Spinoff of Orphan Black.
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The TV show is either in vacation or waiting to start their new season. When information about future episodes becomes available, it will be posted here.
Set in the near future, Echoes takes a deep dive into the exploration of the scientific manipulation of human existence. It follows a group of women as they weave their way into each other's lives and embark on a thrilling journey, unravelling the mystery of their identity and uncovering a wrenching story of love and betrayal. Spinoff of Orphan Black.
Halfway through the first season.
So far pretty weak and boring story. Can't even compare it to the original Orphan Black.
Episode 5 ist the final nail in the coffin for me, don't think I am going to continue watching this show.
Huge exposition dump in EP05, basically telling us everything what happened before EP01 with Eleanor and Keira.
The only thing left to figure out is how Jules came into existence, like that is going to be a big surprise.
Keira is a student, in the next 20 years she completely revolutionize bio-printing of human tissue and body parts.
OK, acceptable character development.
But then you have Eleanor as a character, who is a tenure professor at MIT with her field of expertise being the study and hopefull cure of Alzheimer. Her reason is of course her mother, who got early-onset Alzheimer.
Later on she gets Alzheimer herself, which is somehow surprising to both of them, and then dies shortly after.
In no way do I want to make light of Alzheimer here but I think this is pretty lazy character development:
- so after Keira left her research group, Eleanors work basically went nowhere in the next 20 years?
- she neither expected and / or prepared for the likelyhood that she could get Alzheimer herself? Regular people may act like that but from a professor who studies, researches and tries to cure Alzheimer I expect better.
- her mother has early-onset Alzheimer for over 20 years, maybe even 30 years, but it looks like the disease hasn't progressed at all.
- It feels like no time has passed since her getting the disease and dying off it. I am not familiar at all with it and only quickly read on wikipedia, but apparently the shortest time window is around 3 years, doesn't fit to me. Especially since they didn't want to tell their son whats going on - don't think they can keep that secret from him for three years.
What's even worse, this would've been the perfect episode for a cameo from Tatiana Maslany. Wedding, birth of her grandson, death of her stepdaughter - but nothing?
Either they keep her for an even bigger exposition dump or as the hero who shows up at the end of the season. Or she isn't going to show up at all which would be very disappointing.
Halfway through the first season.
So far pretty weak and boring story. Can't even compare it to the original Orphan Black.
Episode 5 ist the final nail in the coffin for me, don't think I am going to continue watching this show.
Huge exposition dump in EP05, basically telling us everything what happened before EP01 with Eleanor and Keira.
The only thing left to figure out is how Jules came into existence, like that is going to be a big surprise.
Keira is a student, in the next 20 years she completely revolutionize bio-printing of human tissue and body parts.
OK, acceptable character development.
But then you have Eleanor as a character, who is a tenure professor at MIT with her field of expertise being the study and hopefull cure of Alzheimer. Her reason is of course her mother, who got early-onset Alzheimer.
Later on she gets Alzheimer herself, which is somehow surprising to both of them, and then dies shortly after.
In no way do I want to make light of Alzheimer here but I think this is pretty lazy character development:
- so after Keira left her research group, Eleanors work basically went nowhere in the next 20 years?
- she neither expected and / or prepared for the likelyhood that she could get Alzheimer herself? Regular people may act like that but from a professor who studies, researches and tries to cure Alzheimer I expect better.
- her mother has early-onset Alzheimer for over 20 years, maybe even 30 years, but it looks like the disease hasn't progressed at all.
- It feels like no time has passed since her getting the disease and dying off it. I am not familiar at all with it and only quickly read on wikipedia, but apparently the shortest time window is around 3 years, doesn't fit to me. Especially since they didn't want to tell their son whats going on - don't think they can keep that secret from him for three years.
What's even worse, this would've been the perfect episode for a cameo from Tatiana Maslany. Wedding, birth of her grandson, death of her stepdaughter - but nothing?
Either they keep her for an even bigger exposition dump or as the hero who shows up at the end of the season. Or she isn't going to show up at all which would be very disappointing.
For me EP05 ruined the show completely.