Based on an independent film of the same name, this NBC comedy project follows a novelty company manager when he is sent to India to supervise and train a group of customer service reps.
To bad to hear its cancelled. Like mapu says, there's crap on tv that gets renewed, so i don't get why this get cancelled and that crap doesn't.
by HomerS posted 13 years ago
fare well little buddy
by mapu posted 13 years ago
This one will actually be missed. :(
Why do they cancel a decent show like this one and renew crap like Bob's Burger???
by Orlando posted 13 years ago
Daemonius said:
Following The Office in the Fall, Outsourced was the second highest rated of NBC's scripted shows, but when it moved to 10:30pm in the Spring ratings tumbled.
If they want to keep a show, why move it from the timeslot that it worked in......or do they?
by Daemonius posted 13 years ago
Following The Office in the Fall, Outsourced was the second highest rated of NBC's scripted shows, but when it moved to 10:30pm in the Spring ratings tumbled.
If they want to keep a show, why move it from the timeslot that it worked in...
Why do they cancel a decent show like this one and renew crap like Bob's Burger???
If they want to keep a show, why move it from the timeslot that it worked in......or do they?
If they want to keep a show, why move it from the timeslot that it worked in...
Gupta is really funny :)
Not funny and boring :( Fail. Which is sad, because it's Diedrich Baders first major gig since The Drew Carey Show, on which he was great.