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Pawn Stars Season 2010 Episodes Guide and Summaries

EpisodeEpisode NameAir Date
2Chum Goes AWOL
3Shocking Chum
4Pezzed Off
5Tattoos and Tantrums
6Guns and Rangers
7Pinball Wizards
8Chopper Gamble
9Spooning Paul Revere
10Off the Wagon
11Fortune in Flames
12Backroom Brawl
13Big Guns
14Flight of the Chum
15Bumpy Ride
16Helmet Head
17Bow Legged
18Hell Week
20The British Are Coming
21License to Pawn
22Trail Breaker
23Top Secret
24Whale of a Time
25Gold Diggers
26Aw Shucks!
27Deals From Hell
28Chumlee's Dummies
29Strike, Spare, BOOM
30Message in a Bottle
31Rough Riders
32Phoning It In
33Moon Walking
34Peeping Pawn
35Ace in the Hole
36Double Trouble
37Getting A Head
38Cornering the Colonel
39Ready, Set, Pawn
40The Eagle Has Landed
41Like a Rolling Chum
42Hello Nurse
43Chumdog Millionaire
44Gone with the Schwinn
45Bare Bones
46Never Surrender
47Honest Abe
48Monkey Business
49Packing Heat