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Pawn Stars Season 2020 Episodes Guide and Summaries

EpisodeEpisode NameAir Date
1Pawning for Treble
2Gold (& Silver) Digger
3Ship Happens
4Secret Agent Pawn
6A Bombsight For Sore Eyes
7Watches, Waistcoats and Wizards
9Across the Pawn'd
10Crossbows, Coins and Conspiracies
11Boston Pawn Sox
12I Don't Give a Dime
13Saints and Winners
14Slice and Dice
15Wind Beneath My Mill
16Bang, Zoom, Pawn on the Moon!
17Mystery Safe
19A Dam Good Road Trip
20A Loose Cannon
21Million Dollar Deal
22Close Encounters of the Pawn Kind
23Rick's Gone With the Wind
24Decoding a Deal
25The Spy Who Pawned Me
26Mo' Monet, Mo' Problems
27Raiders of the Lost Pawn
28Dueling and Dealing
29The Need for Speed
SpecialSix Figure Muscle Cars and Gold Bars
SpecialBig Scores & Slam Dunks
SpecialBig Guns, Bigger Dollars
SpecialPawn of the Dead
SpecialAll The Presidents' Pawn
SpecialPawning on the Road
SpecialNotorious Pawn
SpecialInfamous Pawn
SpecialPop Art Pawn
SpecialPawn for the Holidays
SpecialTrick or Treasure