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Pawn Stars Season 6 Episodes Guide and Summaries

EpisodeEpisode NameAir Date
1Guilty as Charged
2Corey's Big Burn
3Wild Thing
4To the Moon
5Chum-p Change
6Trigger Happy
7Bossy Pants
8What the Truck
9Three-Hour Tour
10Family Feud
11Silver Linings
12Like a Rock
13Dirty Sox
14That Sinking Feeling
15Pin It to Win It
16Love Me Spender
17Stalled Deals
18Hot and Colt
19Stuff It
20Jet Setters
21Kick the Can
22Bullitt Proof
23Cool as Ike
24Free Willie
25Some Like It Not
26Say It Ain't So
27Fork It Over
28Thirty Something