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Pawn Stars Season 7 Episodes Guide and Summaries

EpisodeEpisode NameAir Date
1What You Talkin' 'Bout Sturgis?
2Sturgis and Acquisitions
3Three Pawn Night
4Stick to Your Guns
5Lord of the Ring
6Man. Make. Fire.
7On Guard
8The Last Samurai
9Sweet Pawn of Mine
10The Offer
11Putt, Putt, Pawn
12Wouldn't It Be Ice?
13Take the Money and Run
14Silent but Chumlee
15It's a Wonderful Pawn
16Santa Chum
17Little Pawn Shop of Horrors
18I Herd That
19Funny Money
20Spare the Rodman
21Million Dali Baby
22Hair Force One
23Comic Con
24Off the Hook
25Room and Hoard
26Just Shoe It
27Lunch Larceny
28Grand Theft Corey
29Beam Me Up
30Shekel and Hyde
31Book 'Em, Rick
32Corey, I Am Your Father
33Close, But No Cigar
34Hello, Goodbye