This TV series focuses on the Shelby family, whose many brothers and sisters, cousins and uncles, make up the fiercest gang of all, the "Peaky Blinders". Named for their practice of sewing razor blades into the peaks of their caps, the Peaky Blinders make their money from off-track betting, protection and robbery.
When you start a new thread in TV Show Discussions, please always add show link, image and copy/paste the show info text (I've edited your post above. Feel free to ask if you have questions.) That makes the post more useful to others. :)
THX lighton.. I did try to get the topic headers posted correctly. Is it a paid membership feature to post images ?? (noticed I couldn't add a member avatar either) Best I could do was post show links. There is a couple of other show topics I started,, so I will go back and try to correct those also.. #noob :)
I highly recommend the paid membership, but no, it's not needed for this purpose. :)
When you start a new thread in TV Show Discussions, please always add show link, image and copy/paste the show info text (I've edited your post above. Feel free to ask if you have questions.) That makes the post more useful to others. :)
THX lighton.. I did try to get the topic headers posted correctly. Is it a paid membership feature to post images ?? (noticed I couldn't add a member avatar either) Best I could do was post show links. There is a couple of other show topics I started,, so I will go back and try to correct those also.. #noob :)
by lighton posted 2 years ago
When you start a new thread in TV Show Discussions, please always add show link, image and copy/paste the show info text (I've edited your post above. Feel free to ask if you have questions.) That makes the post more useful to others. :)
by Duplicat posted 2 years ago
This TV series focuses on the Shelby family, whose many brothers and sisters, cousins and uncles, make up the fiercest gang of all, the "Peaky Blinders". Named for their practice of sewing razor blades into the peaks of their caps, the Peaky Blinders make their money from off-track betting, protection and robbery.
OH Yeah, here we go,, after a 2-1/2 year hiatus , S6x01 , is back with all the naughtiness, deception
and "no limitations" that leaves one hanging off the edge of their seat.
Season 6x01 Tommy sets of to North America, where the end of Prohibition brings new opportunities.
But he faces new dangers from on old adversary whom is also making his own moves.
THX lighton.. I did try to get the topic headers posted correctly. Is it a paid membership feature to post images ?? (noticed I couldn't add a member avatar either) Best I could do was post show links. There is a couple of other show topics I started,, so I will go back and try to correct those also.. #noob :)
I highly recommend the paid membership, but no, it's not needed for this purpose. :)
Here's a thread I just created to (hopefully) answer your questions:
THX lighton.. I did try to get the topic headers posted correctly. Is it a paid membership feature to post images ?? (noticed I couldn't add a member avatar either) Best I could do was post show links. There is a couple of other show topics I started,, so I will go back and try to correct those also.. #noob :)
OH Yeah, here we go,, after a 2-1/2 year hiatus , S6x01 , is back with all the naughtiness, deception
and "no limitations" that leaves one hanging off the edge of their seat.
Season 6x01
Tommy sets of to North America, where the end of Prohibition brings new opportunities.
But he faces new dangers from on old adversary whom is also making his own moves.