Strike Back is a high-octane action thriller series that follows a team of elite soldiers as they take on dangerous missions around the world to stop global threats.
Led by a charismatic duo of American and British operatives, the show features intense combat scenes, complex characters, and gripping storylines that will keep you on the edge of your seat.
Tracker is the story of Daggon, an alien life form who lands on Earth from the planet Cirron in a bid to capture 218 prisoners who had escaped from the planet SAR TOP in the Migar Solar System in the form of "life forces" then took over various human identities.
"He is Duncan MacLeod... the Highlander. Born in 1592 in the highlands of Scotland, and he is still alive; he is Immortal. For 400 years, he's been a warrior... a lover... a wanderer... constantly facing other Immortals in combat to the death. The winner takes his enemy's head -- and with it, his power".