After several realms combine to form one unstable realm, a Spinjitzu Master is tasked with training new heroes. They must save the world from the forces of evil by finding elemental dragons.
A group of kids join a secret agency where they learn to use the power of imagination to journey into the Dream World and create fantastic creations in order to help sleeping children being terrorized by the evil Nightmare King who is bent on conquering the Dream World and invading the Waking World.
The series chronicles the otherworldly adventure of sisters marked at birth. One twin sister was raised in the Supernatural world, confident and popular. The other was raised in the human world, an offbeat outsider. Now they're about to be reunited at the Supernatural Academy, and neither one of them is thrilled about it. These adversarial twins will have to learn to get over their differences and trust each other in order to save themselves - and save the world!
After losing the war against the Cylon robots, the Battlestar Galactica crew speed toward the fabled 13th colony, Earth. Galactica Commander Adama and President Laura Roslin face waning supplies, crushed morale, ... and the credible threat Cylons aboard the ship.