Sanctuary: A Witch's Tale is set in a contemporary world where witchcraft is real. It takes place in the idyllic English town of Sanctuary, where for hundreds of years witches have lived peacefully, as valued members of society. Until now...
After a series of "undue force" allegations, Fia is banished from her high-octane position to a rural backwater - uncomfortably close to her hometown. While there, she is charged with investigating a missing person case: a woman from Blackshore who has disappeared in mysterious circumstances. The case brings a reluctant Fia face to face with her traumatic past and back into the fold of a community who are still processing the unwelcome attention that her historical case brought to the town: a town that remains steeped in its own secrets and lies.
Forced to collaborate on a serious crime, contrasting detectives Philip Boyd and Aoife Regan, with clashing personalities and backgrounds, overcome initial friction to form an unlikely but formidable crime-fighting partnership.