Liberty Crossing is the story of a hapless young intelligence analyst at the National Counterterrorism Center who must untangle a terror plot while navigating the office's petty backstabbing and bureaucracy - all the while tolerating his meddling family.
Bucket and Skinner have been best friends ever since they were in their diapers learning to surf. The beach buddies may be as different as night and day but they have 3 goals in common: stay friends forever (check!), always be near a beach (surf's up!) and never do anything that requires long pants (gnarly!). Their perfect day includes wicked waves, an epic taco and of course, meeting cute girls. But Bucket and Skinner quickly learn that avoiding a life of hard work is hard work!
How would you react if you just gotta dream job at the age of 15 in a major company? Do you know how you'd decorate your office? Or, who you'd hire? True Jackson will soon find out after being hired by her idol and named VP of his fashion empire. Can True learn to navigate within this scary new adventure?