The show follows Megan Morrison, a beautiful young actress who auditions for the female lead in a summer blockbuster playing opposite Kyle West, one of the world's top action movie stars. Kyle's mentor is Terrence Anderson, who runs a self-help organization called the Institute of The Higher Mind with his wife Deann. After Megan's amazing audition leads to an incredible first date (and more) with Kyle, her Cinderella story takes an unexpected turn when she is presented with a contract that would change her life forever... In a town where fame means everything, Megan must decide how far she's willing to go to launch her career and whether or not she will accept "The Arrangement."
What did the world look like as it was transforming into the horrifying apocalypse depicted in "The Walking Dead"? This spin-off set in Los Angeles, following new characters as they face the beginning of the end of the world, will answer that question.
Two men go head-to-head when a bank robbery goes terribly wrong and starts a hostage situation in this Spike TV 8-hour television event. The acclaimed actors John Leguizamo and Donnie Walhberg bring all the tension and gripping drama to the small screen.