Batman: the Animated Series was an animated series that premiered on September 5, 1992. The series was based on the popular Batman comics created by Bob Kane. The series focused on the adventures of Batman a dark vigilante hero who defends Gotham City from a variety of costumed villains
Joe Gardner (Richard Kiley) is the owner of a successful plastics business and father of four adult children: A twice-divorced daughter Anne (Wendy Phillips), who had returned home with her two teenaged children; daughter Lindley (Jayne Atkinson) and husband Jim (Adam Arkin), parents of a newborn baby daughter; black sheep son Jack (Morgan Stevens); and conservative youngest son Sam (David Oliver), married to free-spirited Kay (Sarah Jessica Parker). After his wife dies, his four adult children try to help him move on. Until Dr. Alice Foley (Diana Muldaur) comes into his life. Amanda Peterson played Joe Gardner's granddaughter Sunny Sisk and Trey Ames played Gardner's grandson, David Sisk. Sarah Jessica Parker played Kay Ericson (Gardner) Sam Gardner's new bride, a free-spirit.