Hetty Feather is a children's series based on the popular book by Jaqueline Wilson. It is set in London in 1887 and centres around Hetty Feather as she is returned to the awe-inspiring institution of the Foundling Hospital, the place where she was left as an infant and which she is to set to call home.
Waterloo Road Comprehensive isn't doing very well. When the Headteacher of the school has a nervous breakdown, Jack Rimmer is promoted to the position, much to his dismay. He knows that if the school doesn't clean up its act soon, it could mean the end.
This exciting, fast-paced new drama series follows Vincent Gallagher, head of a team of private investigators who are the last resort for troubled people with nowhere left to turn.
Step inside HMP Larkhall and meet the women of G-Wing, who've committed various offenses that range from shoplifting to murder. Bad Girls shows what life is like for these women in the "inside world" and also shows the real-life problems and behavior of the officers who watch them!