Tells the extraordinary life of Chiara Ferragni and Fedez. An authentic tale that unveils the behind the scenes of one of the most followed couples ever and the most intimate moments of a young family that passionately fights for their dreams to come true.
10 comedians face off for six hours in a row to keep a straight face, trying everything to make their opponents laugh. Whoever makes it to the end wins €100,000 to turn over to charity. Fedez presents together with Mara Maionchi.
X Factor is the Italian version of the talent show The X Factor. The first four editions were broadcast on Rai 2 (except for the final of the second edition aired on Rai 1). Since 2011, the program airs on Sky Uno, after the purchase of the format by Sky Italy (which will have exclusive TV for two seasons, then prolonged until the TV season 2016/2017). The program was conducted for the first four editions from 2008 to 2010 by Francesco Facchinetti, while from 2011 to Alessandro Cattelan.