V.C. Andrews' Dawn follows the story of Dawn Longchamp, who after growing up in humble surroundings with a very hardworking family including her devoted father Ormand and older brother Jimmy, suddenly has everything she loves ripped away from her. After discovering the shocking truth about the people who raised her, she is thrust into a new family whose dark and twisted secrets change the course of her life forever.
To escape poverty, Heaven is sent to live with her father's deranged ex-lover. There, she is tormented but finds solace in her stepfather Cal, and begins a taboo relationship.
In the small resort town of Lighthouse Cove, everyone knows that the best man for the job is a woman. And that woman is Shannon Hammer, owner of Hammer Construction Company and an expert in Victorian home restoration and renovation. Through her renovations she will find clues to uncover the housels secret past and in turn become an unlikely sleuth to help crack these unsolved mysteries.