A young girl faces hard times ahead once she crosses the line her parents drew in order to keep her away from the outside world. In the past this child's mother had her children murdered and to get over this pain she had a baby and named her Catalina, the same name as her former daughter. The story begins to repeat its self as it seem that Catalina is following her older sisters examples in search for easy money through prostitution. Will the story end the same way...?
A sequel series to the original Sin Senos No Hay Paraiso. This sequel follows the life of the last protagonists younger sister and how she has to deal with the repercussions of her late brother and sister's trouble with their lives of crime.
Lady Tabares declares herself innocent before she enters the trial that will define her future. From the police car, she regards the street vendors through the window. One of them is a girl selling roses, just like she did ten years ago.
Sin Senos No Hay Paraiso tells the tragic story of a young woman named Catalina Santana who's ambition is so strong she'll risk her life, because of her obsession with having larger breasts in order to attract drug lords and have all the luxuries in this world.