The Trouble with Maggie Cole is set in a picturesque small coastal town with a close-knit community. It follows the stories and fall out for Maggie Connors who doesn't pay attention to the cautionary adage that 'those in glass houses shouldn't throw stones'.
Maggie is a central character in town who makes it her business to know a bit about everyone's lives. When a radio journalist interviews her for a small reportage piece about local life she gives him far more detail (and embellishment) about the locals and their personal lives than he was counting on. In the days and weeks following the show's broadcast, Maggie sees the butterfly effect of how her very public gossip-fest affects various figures around the town and disrupts their lives.
Five part mystery thriller which follows Ivy Moxham on the day she escapes from the cellar that has been her prison for the last 13 years. It's the day she'll return to her home, to her family, to her life. It's the day that is only the beginning. Thirteen is an emotional roller-coaster that explores how to pick up the threads of a life half-lived and how to survive as a family under the greatest pressure: how to feel again, chance love again. It is a psychological drama about who to trust when you can't even trust yourself.
The show follows friends from London who are traveling the world. When they get to the Cook Islands, Kyle see's the body of a girl tied up underwater. After returning with the police, the body has disappeared. Kyle soon realizes he can see into the future, as he and his friend Budgie attempt to stop the killing from happening.