This is a comedy centered on Jay Weaver (Dorien Wilson), a barbershop owner trying to bond with the adult son he never knew he had. The drama and comedy comes in equal doses as Jay balances working alongside his wisecracking employees and his feisty ex-wife (Jackée Harry) running the beauty salon next door. Step right up for your turn in the chair - In the Cut!
This is a show about the life of Nikki Parker, a character played by actress Mo'Nique. Along with her came her daughter, Kim Parker, and her friends, Stevie Van Lowe, and Thaddeus/Tyrell "T" Radcliffe. Nikki has a friend named Andell Wilkerson, who just can't get a man. One of the many themes is Nikki's huge crush on Professor Stanley Oglevee, whom she has chased around for over five years. She just won't accept the fact that he does not love her back. They all go to Santa Monica Junior College, where the show takes place in nearly every episode. This show was also a spinoff of Moesha.