V Wars revolves around Dr. Luther Swann, who enters a world of horror when a mysterious disease transforms his best friend, Michael Fayne, into a murderous predator who feeds on other humans. As the disease spreads and more people are transformed, society fractures into opposing camps pitting normal people against the growing number of these vampires. Swann races against time to understand what's happening, while Fayne rises to become the powerful underground leader of the vampires.
The show is based on a Ray Bradbury short story called Zero Hour. It chronicles the race against the clock to defeat an unseen alien enemy out to destroy the world using our most precious resource against us.
Meet Connor, Amaya, and Greg - three kids who turn into superheroes at night with their pajamas! They fight crime and save the day!
Join the PJ Masks on their exciting adventures as they use their powers to stop villains and protect their city. Get ready for action-packed fun!