Empire is a historical mini-series set in 44 BC around the time Julius Caesar is assassinated. The show focuses on Octavius (Santiago Cabrera, Haven) , adopted son and nephew of Julius Caesar, and Tyrannus (Jonathan Cake, Inconceivable), a disgraced former gladiator who is sworn to protect Octavius.
In this unique re-working of the Arthurian epic, THE MISTS OF AVALON tells the familiar tale but with an important twist: The story is told through the eyes of the women who wielded power behind King Arthur's throne. Filmed on location in Prague, THE MISTS OF AVALON follows the women of Avalon from their childhoods through the ultimate fulfillment of their destinies in the battle between Christianity and Paganism that threatens to bring down the kingdom.
This is a spectacular drama about the career of a British soldier during the Napoleonic wars. In the first episode, Rifleman Richard Sharpe (played by Sean Bean) saves the life of the Duke of Wellington at the Battle of Talavera and is commissioned from the ranks.