Troppo centers on disgraced ex-cop Ted Conkaffey, who is mismatched with eccentric private investigator Amanda Pharrell to help uncover the whereabouts of a missing Korean family man and tech pioneer. As they begin to uncover a string of bizarre deaths, the unlikely duo is thrust into a mutual fight for survival and sanity in the wilds of Far North Queensland.
When an unidentified woman is found brutally murdered, Detective Molly McGee teams up with fellow cop, Alex O'Connell-with whom she shares a tragic past-to solve the crime.
The story begins when a group of six friends embark on a yacht trip from Brisbane to Indonesia, a chance for adventure and to enjoy a holiday at the same time. The group is just a day's sail from their destination when something appears on the horizon. Another boat. The group come to the aid of a broken-down asylum seekers' boat, leading to a tragic series of events that return to haunt them four years later.
On The Ropes follows Iraqi-Australian Amirah Al Amir who has idolised her boxing world champion father Sami her entire life. Desperate to become an elite boxing trainer, Amirah must fight, not only the patriarchal boxing world but her own family, to achieve her dream.