These Are the Days is an animated television series from Hanna-Barbera, originally broadcast on ABC from September 7, 1974, to September 27, 1975. The series, although critically acclaimed, only lasted 16 total episodes. Each episode had a run time of 30 minutes.
The show was set at the turn of the 20th century, in an old town called Elmsville. It portrayed the everyday lives of the Day family, which consisted of a widow, her three children, and her father. Each episode featured the various family members and their interaction with friends and neighbors, usually ending with a lesson learned.
Young cadets explore the universe in the year 3732 under the watchful eye of 300-year-old Commander Gampu. They travel on Space Academy, a self-propelled, man-made planetoid.
Sealab, an underwater research base based on the Challenger Seamount (an underwater mountain), in the year 2020 (48 years in the future at the time of broadcast). Commanded by Captain Murphy, Sealab was home to 250 people, and was dedicated to the exploration of the seas and the protection of marine life.
Similar in theme to both "The Flintstones" and "The Jetsons," "The Roman Holidays" brought a look at life in Ancient Rome, around 63 AD (with a 1970s touch), as seen through the eyes of Augustus "Gus" Holiday and his family.
Based on the movie of the same name, two divorced men, Felix and Oscar, live together. However, Felix and Oscar have polar-opposite personalities. Felix is a photographer and neat-freak while Oscar, a sports writer, tends to live like a slob. But despite their differences, this odd couple manage to live together without driving each other crazy ... well, most of the time.