The series follows the adventures of Lloyd B Fly, a housefly and the middle child of 451. Lloyd lives with his parents, his little sister PB and their 224 maggot siblings inside a compost bin they call home. In the series, Lloyd and PB are usually accompanied by Lloyd's best friend, Abacus Woodlouse, and eccentric tag-along, Cornea Butterfly. Together they explore the strange world beyond the compost bin, where there is no shortage of lessons for Lloyd to very nearly learn.
Adapted from Ann Cleeves' best-selling novel of the same name the show follows DI Matthew Venn as he returns to a small community in North Devon with his husband (Declan Bennett).
After the body of a man is found on the beach close to Matthew's home, the investigation throws a cast of doubt on the whole community.
Matthew and his team have to get to the bottom of a case which brings with it old wounds and a deadly secret in order to expose the killer.
The further adventures in time and space of the alien adventurer known as the Doctor and their companions from planet Earth.
The 2024 series is listed as a separate show at: