The series, set at Camp Fillmore, follows the comedic antics of roommates Laverne DeFazio and Shirley Feeney as privates with the U.S. Army. They wind up getting involved in clandestine escapades with their immediate superior, a pig named Sgt. Squealy, always threatening to report them to his superior, Sgt. Turnbuckle.
Laverne & Shirley is a classic sitcom about two best friends who work at a brewery and share an apartment in Milwaukee.
The show is known for its hilarious physical comedy, catchy theme song, and the dynamic friendship between the two leads.
Based on the movie of the same name, two divorced men, Felix and Oscar, live together. However, Felix and Oscar have polar-opposite personalities. Felix is a photographer and neat-freak while Oscar, a sports writer, tends to live like a slob. But despite their differences, this odd couple manage to live together without driving each other crazy ... well, most of the time.