Spy drama set in the social and political chaos of 1968, inspired by a true story. Pursued into Canada by the FBI, the matriarch of an American activist family helps smuggle Vietnam war deserters and draft dodgers across the border. What she doesn't know is that one of the deserters is an agent of the CIA sent to spy on her.
The series stars Jennette McCurdy as Wiley Day, a pregnant teenage daughter of a minister living in the small town of Pretty Lake, which is coping with a mysterious disease which has killed everybody over the age of 21.
A family saga focusing on Natalie Lawson, an accomplished columnist and single mother in her early forties whose terminal cancer diagnosis sends her on a quest to prepare her teenage children for life without her.
Angela's Eyes is about a young FBI agent who is blessed with the ability to almost instantly detect whether or not someone is telling the truth. When she was 14 years old, she discovered that her parents were actually spies, who are now serving long prison sentences for the crime of treason.