The global environmental thriller is set in the present day, where anomalies and unnatural behavior in marine animals are causing upheaval all over the world. The Swarm follows a global group of scientists who come together to tackle one of the biggest challenges mankind has ever faced. They make the chilling discovery that deep at the bottom of the sea resides a collective intelligence which has suffered the ravages of civilization on its habitat - and decided to fight back.
The science fiction series Spides is about young Nora (Rosabell Laurenti Sellers) from Berlin, who wakes up from a coma after taking a new party drug and can no longer remember anything. When investigators Nique Navar (Florence Kasumba) and David Leonhart (Falk Hentschel) find out that numerous teenagers have disappeared as part of the spread of the party drug "Bliss", Nora begins to investigate. She uncovers an uncanny conspiracy: Aliens use the drug to use the bodies of their victims as hosts. Nora becomes increasingly involved in the incredible incidents and realizes that she herself is the key to the alien invasion she is trying to fight.