It follows Evie and Pete, who move into an upscale neighborhood and find themselves in a world of curtain twitching and status anxiety. They find friendship in the shape of the couple next door, alpha traffic cop Danny and his wife, glamorous yoga instructor Becka, but after Danny and Evie share a passionate night together there is trouble ahead. Based on 2014 Dutch series "Nieuwe buren (New Neighbours)"
Reverie is described as a grounded and dramatic thriller about a former detective specializing in human behavior who is brought in when the launch of an advanced virtual reality program has dangerous and unintended consequences.
A detective gains a magic bracelet that brings him good luck. But someone nasty wants it back. Will he survive the price of good fortune?
Watch as Clayton navigates a world of danger and temptation, where every decision could be his last. Don't miss the thrilling series Lucky Man!
Heroes is a serial saga about people all over the world discovering that they have superpowers and trying to deal with how this change affects their lives.