Based on hit comics, School Tales The Series is a new Thai horror anthology of eight terrifying ghost stories set in schools, crafted by six Thai directors skilled in the art of scaring audiences. The series takes audiences through haunted schools that will bring back their own nostalgic memories of chilling schoolyard stories. School Tales The Series promises plenty of thrills and excitement as the unfortunate students face off against mysterious, inescapable terrors. What will they do to survive their haunted schools?
Pete is a handsome and rich university student that is incredibly timid. His shyness is caused by the fact that he tries to hide that he is secretly gay. By chance, Pete gets hit by a kind-hearted boy on a bike. The boy, named Ae apologizes and helps him up. Over time, Ae protects Pete from the world; he takes care of him, for Pete feels like a brother. But Pete falls deeper and deeper in love with the boy on the bike who once hit him, by chance.